Friday, June 10, 2011

RV's and (un-) Camping

I am of the firm conviction that campers and RV's should be banned from national and federal Wilderness areas, and the unpaved roads leading to them.  A friend and I drove up to Spring Creek Reservoir and for the first four or five miles, we were driving on some of the worst "washboard" road I've ever seen.  I could go no faster than 10 mph or my car would fish-tail.  It cost me twice as much gas to get there as it would've on a nice, smooth road, and it took three times as long!  I live here in Gunnison, and the tourists with their mobile condos are tearing up my back yard!

Then, of course, there are the giant white box-shaped blights on the landscape everywhere you go, and the terrible pollution by which they are destroying our Wilderness—and that of our progeny.  People ostensibly come to the mountains to camp, to get out in (and reconnect with) "Mother Nature."  Whoever "you" are, when you bring practically your whole house with you, you are not camping!!  You're bringing "Society/The Man" into "The Wild," the complete opposite of the reason you went "camping" in the first place!  Get out and enjoy the air and the dirt and the pulse of life that your soul sorely craves, and leave the land unspoiled for the rest of us.

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